“The acupuncture treatment for pain which I received from Dr. Steven Ehrlich was very successful and enabled me to return to normal function. I have a history of pain problems, Having had to deal with arthritis in my knees and spine as well as with spinal stenosis. In November of 2006 I developed knee pain severe enough to become nearly immobilized. Early in 2007 I received acupuncture treatment from Dr. Steven Ehrlich. After just a few sessions the improvement was substantial and after the full course of treatment, I was pain-free. More than just relief from pain.
I was able to keep up with an exercise regimen, part of my physical therapy, and my overall health benefited greatly. Dr. Ehrlich’s skill, professionalism and reassuring manner were very positive factors in our relationship and successful treatment. I greatly benefited from this relationship and I strongly recommend Dr. Ehrlich’s services.”